Conservatives across the country are more motivated than ever to retake their party and regain leadership in D.C. If you have any doubts about that, look at the star power positioning itself for leadership of the Republican National Committee.
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and architect of the sweeping Republican victories in 1994, is reported to be seeking the RNC Chairmanship according to the Washington Times.

Michael Steele, former Lt. Governor of Maryland, current chair of GOPAC and shining conservative star, is also reportedly positioning for the Republican top spot.

In addition, rumors began swirling around conservative circles on Monday that former Tennessee Senator and actor, Fred Thompson's name was being thrown out there as a candidate for RNC General Chair.
Quin Hillyer of the Washington Examiner explains the position of General Chair as follows: "The General Chairman usually provides overall direction and philosophical moorings, and acts as the public face of the party doing media and speeches, etc., and also is available probably for big-money phone calls and events -- but the Chairman, with an Executive Director under him, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the RNC. Think Chairman of the Board vs. CEO, perhaps. "
Republicans can't go wrong with any one of these three running the show. What the party needs is to find a way to have all three playing some role. It's clear the motivation is there. With the right leadership in place, look for good things in the future of the Republican Party.
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