According to Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer:
You might be an astroturfer...
-If you've ever dared to question your lawmaker when he or she wants to create a system leading to single-payer socialized medicine, more expensive utility costs or mountains of federal debt...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you've ever read the Constitution...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you've ever wondered why it's OK for members of Congress to buy and use luxury private jets at taxpayer expense, but executives of private industry are ridiculed for doing the same with their own money...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you've ever watched Fox News...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you've ever asked why it takes 6 months for the President to pick out a puppy, but less than 24 hours to debate the spending of $1 trillion in future tax revenues...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you know who John Galt is...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you've ever wondered why the President has time for a photo-op beer at a picnic table, but just can't get around to reading the health care bill he is pushing...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you ever thought you know better how to spend your money, educate your kids and help your neighbor...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you do belong to a church, but don't belong to a union...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you believe Democrats in power should be held to the same standard they demanded of Republicans in power...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you've ever wondered, if government-run health care works so well, why do people from socialized medicine countries flock to the U.S. for medical care...
you might be an astroturfer.
-If you assemble to make your views heard, but you aren't bussed in from another part of the country, paid to be there by the SEIU, the DNC, or George Soros and were not recruited by ACORN or any other community organizing group...
you might be an astroturfer.
My apologies to Jeff Foxworthy.
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