Yea, that's a good idea. Obama would never abuse power.
a right-slanted blog about politics, religion and other stuff you shouldn’t discuss in polite company
"Choice, competition, reducing costs -- those are the things that I want to see accomplished in this health reform bill," President Obama told talk-show host Michael Smerconish last week.
Choice and competition would be good.
They would indeed reduce costs. If only the President meant it. Or understood it.
In a free market, a business that is complacent about costs learns that its prices are too high when it sees lower-cost competitors winning over its customers. The market -- actually, the consumer -- holds businesses accountable and keeps them honest. No "public option" is needed.
So the hope for reducing medical costs indeed lies in competition and choice. Today competition is squelched by government regulation and privilege.
But Obama's so-called reforms would not create real competition and choice. They would prohibit it.
In place of the variety of products that competition would generate, we would be forced "choose" among virtually identical insurance plans. Government would define these plans down to the last detail. Every one would have at least the same "basic" coverage, including physical exams, maternity benefits, well-baby care, alcoholism treatment, and mental-health services. Consumers could not buy a cheap, high-deductible catastrophic policy. Every insurance company would have to use an identical government-designed pricing structure.
Prices would be the same for sick and healthy.
In this respect, it wouldn't matter whether or not Congress created a "public option," a government insurance plan. In either case, bureaucrats would dictate virtually every aspect of the health-insurance business. What Obama says in favor of a public option -- as of today, at least -- tells us how little he understands competition.
Organizing for America, Obama's campaign operation now housed at the Democratic National Committee, is coordinating the "Health Insurance Reform Now: Let's Get it Done" events that are scheduled to kick off on Wednesday. Health Care for America Now, an umbrella organization of unions and other progressive groups, will be involved in helping to get people out to the events.
Democrats on the bipartisan Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards have been blocking Republicans from sending out franked mailings to constituents that refer to the cap-and-trade bill as "cap and tax," the stimulus bill as the "so-called stimulus," and the healthcare reform bill as "socialized medicine."Democrats barring Republicans from providing legislative input on bills:
Franks says for the first time in decades, Republicans have not been able to offer amendments to some of the most critical bills being considered. He points out that Democrats are even trying to create a rule on appropriations bills that would prevent Republicans from offering their amendments.
He claims, "...coverage for abortions would be mandated under reform. Also false." The bill does not exclude payment for abortions, and the sponsors specifically defeated amendments that would have prohibited it, Obama has already declared that he believes that "reproductive healthcare" is basic to healthcare, and the bill would allow the government to define "healthcare". So do you believe him when he says "no", or when he says "yes", to the same question. The answer depends on whether its and odd day or an even day.
Action: Opponents of reform are organizing counter-demonstrators to speak at this and several congressional town halls on the issue to defend the status quo. It is critical that our members with real, personal stories about the need for access to quality, affordable care come out in strong numbers to drown out their voices.
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