Wednesday, May 20, 2009

NY Times admits to spiking "game changing" Obama-Acorn story, but is the real issue being buried?

From Michelle Malkin's column in the NY Post today:

The Times acknowledged this weekend that it had spiked a story on possible illegal coordination between left-wing activist groups ACORN and Project Vote and the Obama campaign just before Election Day. The charges involved Team Obama sharing top campaign-donor lists with ACORN's supposedly nonpartisan canvassing arm, Project Vote (the same group Obama worked for as a community organizer).

New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt tried to spin it as a "tip that didn't pan out." He airily dismissed the charges by ACORN whistleblower Anita MonCrief as "nonsense" and quoted Times national editor Suzanne Daley, who shrugged, "You have to cut bait after a while." It was an all-too-convenient judgment that just happened to be made as Election Day loomed. (Contrast this with the doggedness of the Times' editors in pursuing insinuations that GOP presidential candidate John McCain had carried on an affair with lobbyist Vicki Iseman.)
Outrage is running rampant from the PR arm of the Obama left (the NY Times) and their refusal to print the story. That is correctly placed, but shouldn't the real outrage lie with the hand-in-hand relationship between our current president and the corruption-plagued community action group ACORN?

Let's not be distracted by the quarter being pulled from our ear, while our wallets are being pilfered with the other hand.

And just in case you haven't seen it yet, here's the Heritage Foundation's analysis of the Bush and Obama budget deficits:

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